Ionic Detox Foot Bath

The Ionic Foot Bath has been a big hit since we’ve added it to our service offerings. Clients come in when looking to relax, needing the detox, or just interested in the process and seeing the results! But what is the Ionic Detox Foot Bath anyways? 

The foot bath is a detox method in which you soak your feet in warm water, an array is placed in the water, along with a pinch of salt. This elicits a relaxation response in the body. The array sends a microcurrent into the water, which causes the array metals, in combination with the water and salt, to generate positively and negatively charged ions. These ions (through the feet, which have thousands of pores!) draw oppositely charged toxins from the relaxed body into the water, removing harmful toxins and pollutants. Over the next couple of days, the lymphatic system will continue to work to flush out the toxins. 

During the 30 minute session, the water in the footbath changes color. The results vary from person to person, and we have a color chart so you can see what your body is releasing during the sessions. Detoxifying from areas like kidney, bladder, joints, liver, tobacco, gallbladder; material from the lymphatic system, yeast, heavy metals, blood clot material and so much more. For an example: If the water turns an Orange-Brown color, it’s detoxing from joints and muscles. Brown is the liver, smoking, and waste products. Maybe it’s bubbly, which would mean it can be detoxing the digestive system, immune system, & lymphatics. Black Spects? Heavy Metals! etc.

If you’re looking to go through the whole detoxification process, we recommend doing the foot bath for sure 3 times, 5-10 days apart. 

You may feel more relaxed, balanced, and focused after a foot bath. Some of the most common benefits are: improving overall energy levels, clearing skin complexion, improving lymph circulation (similar to Swedish massage!), balance PH level, sleep quality improvement, boost your immune system, improves focus and mental clarity, reduces swelling and inflammation. 

The Ionic Foot Bath should not be used by individuals who are epileptic, hemophiliacs, or those with a pacemaker, implanted organs, or on blood thinners. It should also not be used by children under the age of 12, or during pregnancy or those who are breastfeeding. There may be other situations in which you should not use this unit, consult with your health care provider if you are uncertain. 

We would love to have you in for a footbath soon! You can come alone, or bring in a friend or partner as well. You can book online or by emailing us, we are available for footbaths during our open hours: Monday 2-8pm, Tuesday 9am-6pm, CLOSED WEDNESDAY, Thursday & Friday 9am-3pm. If you have a specific time in mind during these open hours, Email us and we can check on our end if it's available!


Part 2: Stepping Up Our Product Game


Stuck Emotions + Pain