Hey Mama, (A Letter from one mama to another)

Hey Mama.

Yes, I’m talking to you. I see you. I hear you.

You were at the gathering I was at last night. You were the one I dropped in on quick to drop something off. You’re my friend, acquaintance. Maybe I don’t know you, but you’re there, you’re always there, following along. This one is for you.

You’re busy. I get it. You take care of everyone else day in and day out. It doesn’t matter if you are a stay-at-home mom, or you work full time. There are little people who need you and you would do anything to give them everything they need. You spend as much time with them as possible to avoid any mom guilt bubbling to the surface.

But what about yourself? Are you on the back burner? The exhaustion, anxiety, stress, guilt all hangs out and piles up. At times you aren’t the best mom or wife you know you could be, but where would you even begin to change that? You feel like you have to keep going, keep hustling, keep grinding to make sure everyone’s needs are met.

Have you even thought about taking care of yourself lately, or is life just a rat race surviving one day at a time? If it is that is okay, but I want you to think about something. Is this how you want your life to be? In a mode of survival? I know for myself I have a deep yearning to thrive. To be taken care of so that I can be a better mom, wife, sister, friend.

Think about this with me; what if you took ONE hour for yourself every month? Would that make yourself selfish? Would that mean that you don’t care about your kids? Absolutely not!

When I take out time for myself. , whether that be taking a walk, meditating, journaling, working, or getting a massage, I tend to feel like a whole new person. On the way home, I’m singing a tune, and totally joyful. I get home and I have patience, I am relaxed, I am playing with the kids. Today I was realizing that I’ve been in such a great place that I didn’t even notice the grey skies.

Let me say this loud and clear. YOU CAN HAVE THIS TOO!!

Taking care of yourself is important. It is necessary. It is healthy.

Think of your kids, do it for them if you have to. What would it mean to them to have a happy, relaxed, joyful mom?

Almost every single time I have a mom get on the massage table, she sinks in and says, “ohh I’ve needed this, I always wait way too long!” And they leave saying, “I need to come more often, it would be SO good for me!”

And the ones that do make it a priority, even once a month, appreciate every single minute on that table. They have 60 minutes to themselves, of peaceful quiet time. Or having an adult to talk to. Or of sleep if that’s what they need. But one thing is for sure; for that hour each month, they are being taken care of instead of being the care taker. What a change. It feels so good to be taken care of.

Let us take care of you, mama. Take some time for yourself. You will thank yourself.

