Spring Cleaning- The Non-Toxic Route

Spring is here… right? Here in the UP, it takes a bit for the snow to melt and warmer weather to come, but the sun itself has been getting me into the spring cleaning mode! I am all about being non-toxic, but keeping it simple. One great cleaner, a good rag and a scrub brush is all I usually use.

But first, let’s dive into why I use non-toxic cleaners. Harsh cleaners have toxins in them, which ultimately affect our kids and pets. You may not notice the difference right now, but the load over many years is really hard on our internal systems. And, if you start to look around, you may wonder, why do so many have kids have skin issues, auto-immune diseases, seem sicker than they used to? The amount of irritants in our everyday environments is alarming. The only people that can change that, is us, their mamas. And, we can do it for ourselves too! I have noticed more energy, less brain fog, my eyes have gotten clearer, I can smell better…all since giving up toxins (for the most part).

Here are a few ingredients to avoid and why:

  • Parabens: Parabens (anything ending in "paraben" such as methyl-, ethyl-, propyl-, isopropyl-, or butylparaben) are preservatives found in many cosmetics, lotions, deodorants, sunscreen, and more. Several studies have linked parabens to endocrine disruption, breast cancer, and more, plus they're prohibited in the EU.

  • "Fragrance": Due to trade secret regulations, companies are not required to disclose what's in their fragrances, which creates a significant loophole in ingredient labeling. The International Fragrance Association (IFRA) lists 3,059 materials reported as being used in fragrances, and some are linked to cancer, reproductive toxicity, allergies, and sensitivities. This is the easiest one for me to check. If it says fragrance, I don’t get it. If someone is using Essential Oils, they will list out each oil individually.

  • Phthalates: Even if you don't see these on the ingredient list, they're frequently lurking in "fragrance" ingredients. They're another known endocrine disruptorPDF download and linked to an increased risk of breast cancer and congenital reproductive disabilities in males and females.

  • Sulfates: You've probably seen sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) in a lot of hair and body products but just because they're used to create suds doesn't mean they're innocent. They're notorious for eye, skin, and lung irritation, especially over time, and SLES can be contaminated with 1,4-dioxane, which has caused cancer in lab animals. Plus, many sulfates are derived from petroleum or palm oil, which poses environmental concerns.

  • Small children are more susceptible to chemical poisoning, and you may put them at risk of long-term health problems like asthma by using strong chemical-based products around them. Using easy non-toxic products means that my kids can get involved in the cleaning with me, and I don’t need to worry about if they will be harmed by the product! It also means that I don’t need to worry as much if they get a hold of one of my cleaners. Takes out so much worry for me!

I’m not asking you to get crazy about it. It starts small. Ask yourself, “If I started to change one or two things in my home, where would I start?”

Here are 5 Tips to Start Small:

  1. Garbage Bags is one of the EASIEST places to start. Just grab one that is not scented! Easy, peasy. This is also one of the things I notice most in other people’s homes. The companies put in so much fragrance to cover up garbage smell it becomes over powering.

  2. Grab an all purpose cleaning concentrate that you can use on everything! I have used a plant based cleaning concentrate for years and it is so nice. I just pour a little in a bottle, fill the rest up with water and go. For bigger jobs, I just use some concentrate in my mop bucket, little green vac, for my windows, etc. It takes the headache out of getting multiple cleaners for multiple jobs. Keep it simple. We keep Plant Therapy’s cleaning concentrate in stock at Encompass and also have an All Purpose Cleaner, if you want to try it first!

  3. Replace dryer sheets with wool balls + essential oils. The oils aren’t necessary, but if you like the smell, it is lovely! Plus, you can use the balls for years and it’ll save you money too. If you have super staticky laundry, try running your dryer for a little less time! That has been one of the biggest reasons people have told me of why they use dryer sheets.

  4. Switch out hand soaps. Dr. Bronner’s + Water + Essential oils makes a lovely hand soap. Amora, in Laurium, sells Dr. Bronner’s!

  5. Switch out other soaps. Dish Soap, Laundry Detergent, Shampoo, etc. You’re buying it anyway, so just start by taking a moment, reading the label and grabbing something better. It doesn’t need to be perfect at first, but small steps will make a big difference! I have been loving Rosey’s products from Thrive Market. We also sell Earthley laundry detergent in our shop and love that!

Some really great cleaners that you probably already have in your home include vinegar, baking soda and lemon (or lemon essential oil). This doesn’t have to be complicated! It really just simplifies everything, and creates a safer, healthier environment for everyone in your home! Win-win. And—when your kiddos aren’t being overloaded with some of these ingredients, they might even chill out and behaviors could decrease as well!

So, now when you start your spring cleaning, you can make the switch to non-toxic options and feel even better about it! If your kids get involved, everything will go more quickly, allowing you to be outside in this sun! To finish up, I’ll share a few recipes (in pictures below) I love and a link to a spring cleaning list- that always seems to help my productivity (Also in images). Some of these include Thieves, but you can switch that out for any clean concentrate :)

Also, here are a few links to learn more:



Happy Cleaning!! I hope this helped you make the changes to throw out some of the harsh cleaners in your home!

xo, Nikki