Hypnotherapy with Julie

As a Clinically Certified Hypnotherapist for 13 years, I'm excited to share some frequently asked questions and hopefully dispel some myths.

What is Hypnotherapy? 

Hypnotherapy is the process of utilizing a changed state of awareness and increased relaxation as a therapeutic technique. In a deeply relaxed state you're able to access the information stored in your subconscious mind for your benefit, whether that's goal setting, releasing fears, phobias, or addictions, or coming to a better understanding of self.


The mind is made up of both the conscious and subconscious. One way to look at it is that your mind is like an iceberg, with the 10% sticking up out of the water being conscious and 90% below the surface your subconscious. Here's another example: your conscious mind is like the desktop of your computer, holding all of the current, pertinent information that you need to have immediately accessible. Your subconscious is like the operating system, storing everything you've ever seen, touched, smelled, or experienced. It's because of your subconscious that you can recall song lyrics of your childhood, smell a scent and be reminded of a person, or arrive home safely while having chatted with someone the entire drive.

Will I cluck like a chicken?

It is extremely important to know that the client is in control of themselves AND the session the entire time. A therapeutic session is absolutely different from stage-show hypnosis. There is no way for you to do anything that you are not willing to do. I will make suggestions to you based on our intake conversation, that support your goals, in the wording that you most relate to.  However, if your mind does not agree to it, what I say does not matter. 

Will I go to sleep and wake up fixed?

During a session you are never really asleep. I will guide you to a state of deep relaxation but you are aware the entire time. Hypnotherapy is not a magic wand- you have to participate and "do the work."  Success depends on YOU.  If you are ready to change a behavior or mindset, then Hypnotherapy is an excellent choice.

Why is an initial 3-session commitment required?

It takes time to establish trust and connection. Each session is tailored specifically to your needs, even down to word choice and visualizations presented. I have found that the true core of an issue is slowly uncovered, and each session peels away another "layer of the onion."  It has taken time to get to where you are- it will also take time to get you where you want to be.

If you have any questions about Hypnotherapy or how it may benefit you, please schedule a complimentary Discovery Call!

"Julie is an exceptional Therapist. She helped me with her Hypnotherapy in that I was so at peace and relaxed after all my sessions. She helped me with some issues I was having and I would recommend her to anyone that feels that they need some calm in their lives. P.D."

I can’t wait to meet you!