Let's Talk about Mindset

A couple weeks ago, I shared that we were going to talk about mindset throughout the week. And I started….but then I had a block. WEIRD right?! Not really, actually. But then, tonight, I decided this is the time to write this blog.

I’ve always been a cup-half-full type of gal. It’s just who I am. But when I started business coaching about two years ago, I didn’t realize that I could go so much deeper than just “looking on the bright side.” My coach taught me that mindset is everything. Like literally. If you think you are going to get a certain result, you probably will. The thing is, most of us don’t even realize that we talk to ourselves in certain ways. We are often way harder on ourselves than we are others! We give others so much grace but then beat ourselves up for the smallest of things. Can you relate?!

So here are a few things that I’ve learned over the last couple years that have absolutely changed my life.

Create a gratitude practice that you do every single day.

Yes, every single day. Write it down. God is so great, He provides us with so much. And when I started being thankful for the things that He has given me, I started seeing the little things even more. I stopped looking for the bad and appreciating all of the good. Of course there are always hard days, moments and trials on this journey, but we are so blessed!! And once you train your brain to be in gratitude, you start to see the good things everywhere! It takes two minutes to write down five things you’re grateful for in the morning and often it makes me so sappy and humble.

Stop judging yourself

Dang the judgment! Everyone’s journey is different and THAT is what’s so beautiful. We all go through things at different times and it can be so easy to be envious of someone else’s success in any area of life and start to judge ourselves that we’re not as far along. STOP!! Start to notice when this happens for you, take a step back and give yourself grace. It’s going to take practice, but it’ll be worth it. When you can treat yourself with love and give yourself the space to create the life you want for yourself, no matter what that looks like, you’ll be able to start so much easier! It doesn’t have to compare to anyone else’s because it’s not theirs!

Connect to your vision, daily.

Speaking of your life, what is it that you actually want? Do you know? Journal about it, spend some time dreaming about it and then go after it! Connect to that vision daily, in a way that works for you. For me, I write down my 10 dreams that I want to happen within the next 10 years as if they have already happened. For example, “I run marathons.” Do I do that yet? No. Do I intend to in the next 10 years? Yes. Maybe not full marathons, but either way, writing this down every single day makes my brain get curious about how I can achieve that dream. You then start to make it happen! Where your focus goes, energy flows. Focus on the good, your goals and your vision. I use Rachel Hollis’ Start Today Journal for the 10 dreams and for my gratitude journal. She will take you through exactly how to figure out what your dreams are, I highly recommend it!

Believe it!

The thing with all of this is that you also have to believe it can happen for you. When you make a goal or have a dream, do you think about it and then immediately think, ‘but that’ll never happen for me.’? Then it probably won’t! Make goals and dreams you can believe in, that make you get emotional. Those are the good ones.

There are so many many more things I could say on here, but instead, I’ll point you in a couple of directions that have way more experience with this than I do. On Facebook, you can follow Kaela Gedda. She is one of my business coaches and has the most amazing posts that are written in a way that just make sense! Plus, she has manifested and created a pretty amazing life for herself. You can also follow them (her and her mom, Lisa) on Instagram @riseleadershipcircle. If you’re looking for a business coach, they are THE best. I have gotten my best results with them! I also love listening to Tony Robbins, I’ve learned so much from his podcast. There are many others, but that’s a good start. I hope this helps you!

