Posts tagged therapeutic
Self-Love Menu

Have you ever heard of a Self-Love Menu? I hadn't until a couple of weeks ago, but I love it! Basically, it's a menu of all of -or a few of- the things that you do to love yourself. I can't remember exactly where I saw it, but they recommended starting with a list of 10 things. In my head, I was like "Oh! That'll be easy!" Yeah, not so much. It was actually harder then I anticipated. 

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The Power of Touch

Touch is very powerful, both bad and good. I want to discuss the power of touch in a healthy, loving environment. Did you know that to thrive in relationships, as a baby, or as a child touch is SO important? The smallest touch can activate those reward centers in the brain and make us feel better. We feel happier, safer, more confident, more soothed and more connected.

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Combined Therapies

I recommend a few different things after you receive a massage including drinking water, stretching, icing at times. But that list is missing one big one for me. Chiropractic care. Chiropractic Care is one of the best therapies to combine with Massage Therapy. Over the years I have seen many many clients progress their healing much more quickly when they get both chiropractic and massage. 

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What you choose, whether it be on a daily basis or be it a change like moving out is based partly on your values. What is important to you? 

As a Massage Therapist and Business Owner, I also have values set there.

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Flexibility is an important factor when talking about the health of your muscles. If you have a healthy range of motion in your joints and your muscles are flexible, risk of injury decreases from not only exercise, but also during daily activities. Therefore, it is important for everyone to have flexible muscles, not only athletes.

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